DAY 15
Day 15 and today's material is WAX. And more distinctly, Red Wax. I wanted to find an inexpensive way to play around with this material. There is the option to buy in bulk offline, but since I'm not positive if I will be using this material, or if it will "speak to me," for the meantime and for experimental purposes, I just got some inexpensive, unscented red wax candles from the Hobby store for like 70 cents each. Three varying colors of wax, so let's see where this goes....
I was very optimistic this morning entering my studio, refreshed and positive, ready to take on a new day and work with some wax again. Remember that beautiful cheese-cloth painting that I stumbled upon last week? Well today, I dripped red wax all over it. And I might have gone a little overboard. I might have ruined it....oops. At least I know I can recreate that if I want to. Anyways, I dripped these varying colors of red wax over this painting with the idea of carving into it to create a more interesting and dynamic piece. I hated how it looked and didn't even take a picture of it to show you guys. So I came back to my studio after taking a little break to think, and decided to chip off all of the red wax and see how it transformed the underneath layers. I wanted this to be pretty grotesque looking, and I suppose it is more shitty than grotesque. But definitely more interesting than it did before I took the globs of wax off. Haha, maybe i'll keep playing with it and see where it goes, but for today, I'm over this shitty idea.

Again, the images are much more interesting than the actual piece....maybe I should just keep playing.
Are you familiar with Anish Kapoor's controversial "Meat Paintings"? I have been obsessing over how he uses the material (in his case, silicone resin and pigment) to create these extremely visceral paintings, they are grotesque and highly built up and texturized. Here's a couple of images of some of his work done with wax: